Policy Corners

In addition to Members' Corners, the association operates Policy Corners to showcase the latest policy announcements related to the bioeconomy.

For the year 2024 Policy Corners are scheduled as follows

  • 27 February @1300UTC on Emerging Bioeconomy Strategy in Namibia
    Briefing by Paulus Mungeyi, Manager for the Biotechnology Division
    National Commission on Research, Science and Technology (NCRST), Namibia 
  • 30 May @1300UTC
    EU Biotech and Biomanufacturing initiative launched 20 March - what will change
    by Maarit Nyman, Deputy Head of unit at DG GROW, EU Commission
    Boald Goals for Biomanufacturing - US Perspective by Jim Lane, Editor & Publisher, The Daily Digest and The Circular
  • 29 August @1300UTC on Japan Bioeconomy Strategy update by Yoshiyuki Fujishima Global Chief Researcher at Norinchukin Research Institute  and WBA Ambassador to Japan
  • 26 November @1300UTC 

Briefing sessions are recorded and subsequently published along with Policy Corner materials. This practice ensures that the valuable insights and discussions shared during these sessions are made accessible to members, providing a comprehensive resource for reference and further engagement. 

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Join us and be at the forefront of driving sustainable, circular bioeconomy practices on a global scale. Your membership opens doors to unparalleled opportunities and impactful collaborations.

Interested? Please fill in the World Bioeconomy Association Member profile (pdf) and send your application to info@bioeconomyassociation.org